Corporate Worship

We believe that assembling together is not just about marking a box off on a checklist of religious duties. We worship G-d whether we are alone or whether we are in a communal setting because He is G-d and He is worthy of our worship, and so our synagogue provides regular opportunities throughout the week to come and worship the G-d of Abraham and His Messiah, Yeshua, together through traditional Shabbat morning services, mid-week studies, and other planned activities that we pray will foster the growth of all of us - as individuals and as a Messianic Jewish community. Spiritual revival starts in the inner beings of individuals.  Two of our staple weekly gatherings for this individual and corporate growth are: Shabbat Morning Services - We consider our Shabbat Morning Service to be where guests, new attendees and people who are not yet followers of Messiah Yeshua enter our Synagogue community. 

It is also our weekly time to gather together as followers of Messiah Yeshua for the purpose of drawing close to G-d through Jewish tradition, inspiring worship and dynamic Scripture based teaching. We also facilitate relationships within our community by providing a weekly Kiddush which follows this service and select small group seminars and studies. Wednesday Night Studies - The purpose of our Wednesday Night Studies is to provide a time of informal avodah balev (service of the heart), consisting of corporate prayer, reflective singing, and personal testimony. In depth Scripture studies and seminars are taught to strengthen and train people to practically apply their faith and develop into mature followers of Messiah Yeshua who will then make a strong impact within our Synagogue, our families, our greater Jewish Community and the community of Messianic believers at large.