Rabbi Kirk Gliebe
Synagogue Leader & Zakeyn (Elder)Rabbi Kirk Gliebe is the Director of Devar Emet Messianic Jewish Outreach and the Rabbi of Devar Emet Messianic Synagogue.
He and his wife, Carla, have two adult children, Rachel and Matthew. Rabbi Gliebe graduated from Moody Bible Institute with a Bachelor's degree in Evangelism & Jewish Studies and received a Master's degree in Jewish Studies & Rabbinics from Spertus College of Judaica.
He has served in many capacities over the years including his service as President of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations.
Rabbi Gliebe was born and raised in Santa Rosa, CA but moved to Chicago in 1984. He also always enjoys a good piece of carrot cake.
To read more by Rabbi Gliebe, check out his blog at forwardformessiah.blogspot.com
Bob Barrett
Zakeyn (elder)
Bob Barrett became a believer in Yeshua in March of 1986. He grew up in an Orthodox Jewish family, lived in New York City for a decent amount of time, and currently practices Massage Therapy in the Chicagoland area - he actually has over 30 years of experience!
Bob has a passion for digging into the Scriptures and helping people apply G-d's truth to their lives. He is an indispensable resource of wisdom an encouragement for the community at Devar Emet.