Our Worship

What is the place of liturgy in the modern Messianic Jewish Congregation? Traditional Jewish Liturgy, along with the reading of Scripture, extemporaneous prayer and the singing of contemporary songs, is an important way for us in the Messianic Jewish Community to express our heartfelt worship of G-d in a recognizably Jewish manner, just as our Messiah and his early Jewish followers worshiped using the Jewish liturgical forms of their own time. Liturgy facilitates both a structure for the individual worshipper as well as a frame work on which the congregation as a whole can pray. According to Jewish tradition, our Shabbat morning services are a spiritual journey up to Mt Sinai where we receive G-d’s instruction, his Torah. Beginning with the Tehillim, the Psalms, which allow us to emotionally express ourselves in worship, followed by the Shema and our statement of commitment to the G-d of Israel who has redeemed us, we finally stand before G-d during the Amidah in contemplation of G-d’s power, wondrous attributes and blessing of our people. After we receive his Instruction, we then descend Mt Sinai with the understanding that the knowledge of G-d is a blessing for all the world and that it is our duty as his people to make him known to all the world. Traditional Jewish liturgy is critically important for a Messianic Jewish Congregation because it allows us to identify with our Jewish community and reinforces our own Jewish identity as we use the traditional worship forms of our own people, yet expressing clearly through our unique Messianic songs and New Testament readings of our faith and commitment to our Messiah Yeshua.