Our Vision

Devar Emet aims to grow a Jewish community which believes and teaches that Yeshua (Jesus) is the promised Jewish Messiah. 

Some would say that it’s not right for Jewish people to believe that Yeshua is the Messiah -  that believing in him is a Gentile faith. We respectfully disagree. We think that the most Jewish thing a Jew can do is to accept the Jewish Messiah, whoever he may be. As we read the Hebrew Scriptures, it has become clearly proven to us that Yeshua is indeed Israel’s promised Messiah. Therefore, we want to be G-d’s witnesses of this truth to the rest of our Jewish Community. If you don’t agree with us, fine, but be sure you know why you don’t believe in Yeshua. If you have questions, let us know, and we will be happy to help answer them!

Through our Synagogue we...


spiritually into fully committed followers of Messiah Yeshua through active participation in Services, Studies, Synagogue Activities and Community Accountability. 


the G-d of Abraham through the service of our hearts and personal strengths. 


within both our Synagogue and the greater Jewish Community to meet the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of others in the name of Messiah Yeshua. 


to know, defend and practice G-d’s Scripture in our lives and to better educate ourselves to live out the traditions of our Jewish people as taught by our Messiah Yeshua.



in love the truth of who Messiah Yeshua is within our greater Jewish Community and affirm in love one another toward a maturing Messianic Jewish faith.

Our Synagogue is also committed to being a warm and accepting place for Jewish-Christian Families to attend and grow both spiritually and personally

in their faith in Messiah Yeshua.

Our Synagogue understands that G-d gives at times a unique call to certain Gentiles to attach themselves to the Jewish people for the sake of service and witness. Our Synagogue is open for all people, but it is not designed as a fellowship for Christians with no connection to the Jewish community either by family or personal relationships to attend and join for the purpose of simply learning the Jewish roots of faith in Messiah Yeshua.